EDAX EBSD and OIM Basics (Self-Paced)
BundleLearn the basics of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) pattern generation, indexing, and data analysis
STEMx Basics (Self-Paced)
BundleIn this series, you will learn about STEMx 4D STEM, plus how to acquire and analyze 4D datasets for a variety of applications, including strain mapping, virtual imaging, and differential phase contrast.
EELS Basics (Self-Paced)
BundleIn this series, you will learn how to optimize and acquire EELS spectra, align and tune the spectrometer for EELS and EFTEM, plus set up and acquire basic spectrum images, including 4D STEM.
EDAX EDS Microanalysis (Self-Paced)
CourseCovers basic and practical applications for EDS analysis using the APEX™ software. It is designed for EDAX users to understand the basics of EDS, including theory and system and software capabilities.
DigitalMicrograph Basics (Self-Paced)
CourseFamiliarize yourself with the best practices for utilizing workspaces, opening and manipulating your images, plus extracting sub-regions of interest.
Metro Counting Camera Basics (Self-Paced)
CourseCovers best practices for using the Metro camera to collect images, diffraction patterns, and in-situ videos.