Key topics

  • ZLP-filtered images

  • Thickness maps

  • Elemental maps

Senior Instructor

Andrew Thron

Analytical TEM Applications Scientist

Andrew is an Application Scientist at Gatan supporting the analytical product lines. He started his career in Electron Microscopy at APTech, developing new cathodes and electron gun modules for SEMs, TEMs, and plasma generation systems. Andrew Earned his Ph. D. from the University of California, Davis, working under Dr. Klaus van Benthem. After graduating, he pursued a Post-Doctoral appointment at the Molecular Foundry before returning to UC Davis. Prior to starting at Gatan, Andrew served as the Technical Director of AMCaT, the Materials Characterization Facility at UC Davis. Andrew has over 16 years of experience applying TEM, aberration-corrected STEM, EELS, EDS, FIB, and SEM to a broad range of materials.

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