Ensure reproducible results

Gain a basic understanding of sample preparation system operation and routine maintenance to achieve high-quality surfaces for your SEM and TEM studies.

  • Study the fundamental principles at a pace that is most efficient and convenient for you

  • Unlimited access ensures you can reference best practices during your materials studies

  • Interact with industry specialists through the online discussion forum to ask questions and clarify content

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and course essentials

    1. Getting started - PECS II

    2. Alignment sample insertion - PECS II

    3. Alignment procedure - PECS II

    4. XS sample mounting - PECS II

    5. Planar sample height adjustment - PECS II

    6. Loading a sample - PECS II

    7. Polishing - PECS II

    8. Coating - PECS II

    9. Sample removal - PECS II

    1. Getting started - Ilion II

    2. XS sample mounting - Ilion II

    3. Maintenance: Gun and CC gauge cleaning - Ilion II

    1. Getting started - PIPS II

    2. Aligning the guns - PIPS II

    3. Lamella recipe - PIPS II

    4. Mounting a sample on a DuoPost - PIPS II

    5. DuoPost sample insertion - PIPS II

    6. Maintenance: Gun and CC gauge cleaning - PIPS II

    1. We'd like your feedback

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content